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Setting up a Success Routine

Routines are very powerful. Change comes through consistent action over time. Once you learn how to commit to a vision long term, you will see powerful results from daily action.

Mindset of Success

Success happens in the mind. When the mind holds a concrete vision and plan of success, the actions to take towards that success are not difficult. When the mind is unsure, the actions become aimless.

Keeping a Positive Personal Inventory

Life Coaching will give you tools to take detailed inventory of what keeps you happy motivated and on the path to success.

The items of inventory that a person should keep are:

  • Values
  • Positive Memories
  • Goals
  • Desires
  • Previous Successes

With these powerful triggers of positive emotion, it is hard to fall into a negative mindset.

Techniques for Positive Thinking

Being strong emotionally is important for success. Understanding how emotions affect the mind will give you the skills to stay positive and achieve more goals.

Becoming Fearless

Fear is what happens when your belief system doesn’t mesh with your current set of goals. If you are experiencing fear, you have to change your beliefs so that you are no longer holding yourself back from going after a better life.

Visualizing and Manifesting Success

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Start believing that you are not fixed. You are not stuck. Through hard work and daily change, you can grow. You can change into something that is different from what you are today. You can discover better things from examining the best aspects of your personality.

Practice Self-Awareness

Self Awareness is the key to understanding what your positive values and triggers are. Everybody is unique. Your value system is a reflection of your unique life. You can only manifest the things you desire by learning more in depth about who you are. Stop living according to other people’s ideas of who you should be.

Set Meaningful Goals

By studying your personal inventory, you can create goals that are matched to your internal motivators. If you understand your deeper values, you can choose goals that you will not abandon when the going gets tough. When life becomes difficult it is your internal value system that holds the power to motivate.

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The Routine Creator.


This is not a morning routine. This is a morning routine creator. This is the framework I used to dig myself out of a 2.5 million dollar hole when my busniess partener passed away. Use Rugged Mindset Practices to put you on rails to do the work of succeeding. You can't afford not to have this.

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