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Because of the complexity of trauma, there are many different ways to release trauma. Depending on how your trauma is stored and how it manifests itself in your life physically or emotionally, the treatment may differ.

The Power of Breath: Using Breathwork to Release Stored Trauma

It is thought in martial arts that one perfect breath can heal the entire body. It is known that every joint in the body has a movement that either corresponds with inhalation or exhalation.

Breathwork stimulates the Parasympathetic Nervous System. It is generally regarded as a great tool for releasing trauma. Breath is one aspect of Mountainwize Coaching’s approach to trauma release.

Movement as Medicine: Yoga, Tai Chi, and Dance for Healing Emotional Wounds

Movement is a form of reclaiming the body and conditioning the body into a better state of health. Whether doing motions directly aimed at releasing trauma or generally using motion to heal, it will lead your body onto a path of releasing tension and stored tightness.

Healing Touch:

Massage, Acupuncture, and Bodywork Techniques are all used to release physical trauma.

Releasing Trauma Through Talk:

The ‘autonomic nervous system is stimulated by emotional triggers. These triggers can be memories. Because of this, it is possible to fully stimulate the Parasympathetic nervous system through simple suggestion and word exercises alone.

The Role of Therapy and Counseling

For intense forms of trauma, therapy counseling and medications may all be employed. Seek guidance from licensed professionals in creating any plan of healing. Most trauma release plans employ a mixture of various approaches.

Holistic Approaches to Healing:

Holistic healing refers to an additive or all encompassing approach to healing. If your path to trauma release requires the adoption of many techniques, you may need the help of a holistic practitioner to help guide and coordinate your plan of total healing. The Mountainwize approach is one that employs many different forms into one coordinated effort.

Conclusion: Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit

The mind is an intersection of physical health and mental health. Electric energy held by the mind is shaped by the health or sickness of the body that it is held in.

This combination of thoughts, memories, feelings and the physiological tool that shapes them can be said to encompass the human spirit. This can be approached through spiritual means. For some people, prayer or connection to a higher power is the trigger that also opens up the nervous system.

What ever approach works for you to get the healing and hope that you need this is what we will look for.

Mountainwize coaching uses emotional triggers combined with marital arts based breathing and awareness to open healing in the body.

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